Gateway Page

To deter cheating, a gateway page has been put up. Click the link below to Finalize your vote.

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steam://connect/ - German and Englisch mediaval/primitiv server, make everything more realistic, back to the roots style. We recomment to connect through the ARK ingame server list. Same/Better performance than official servers! Good and reliable FPS, rare server lags and and nealy no rubberband effects. Server IP: Server Info: Base raiding enabled from 18:00 to 22:00 on daily basis. Server Restart: 7:00 Automatically updates Mods at 7:00, manually updates are also done but irregular. Server Settings: Max wild dino level: 150 4x XP 4x Zähmen ...Taming 4x Ausbeute ...Gathering 50% Lower food/water drain to stop the annoyence of drinking/eating all the Time. 10% Low dino food drain so that you can feed them rarely. Player Location shown on Map. 45 minutes day and 15 minutes nighttime. Teamspeak: Free TS IP in the welcome message of the server. Mods: - TheCenter - Primitive Plus - Utility Saddles ( Tamed Dinos got nerved a bit to increase their stats how you like to.) - ReHUD (More beautifull icons) - Homing Pigeon (If you die flying mounts automaticly return to the base. ) - Cute Hair (Improve your character appearence with hairstyles and helmets.) - Giant Megalodons (Make the travelling between the islands more dangerous.) - Small Dragons (Rare, epic and desireable monster to fresh up the gameplay a big.) - ecoTrees (Design your base and Environment more beautifull and natural. Also some nature camouflage.)