Gateway Page

To deter cheating, a gateway page has been put up. Click the link below to Finalize your vote.

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steam://connect/ -, euer ARK Valhalla Mod Server Name: /20XP/40TM/20H/10G IP: Port: 8888 Unsere Mods: - Valhalla; - Jurassic Ark; - Difficulty8+; - Multi Weapon Attachments + Tranq Rifle; - Dino Collors Plus; - Many New Items; - Advanced Architecture Mod; - Pimp My Dino; - Kilrath's Super Epic Boat Mod; - Metal with Glass Set; - FerratsPanels; - Admin Command Menu; - Stack Plus; - Recycler; - Improved Spyglass; Unser Dino Level und Player Level: - Dino spawn max Level: 240, Max Level ist 636 - Player max Level: 250 Was bieten wir euch alles: Guten Support Freundliche Behandlung – Automatische Mod-Updates 2x am Tag. !!!Admin Tribe Raidet nicht!!! TeamSpeak: Homepage: Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch! Team